遗忘的英语怎么写,日积月累:“遗忘”- forget vs. leave, 必考的知识
I'll have to go back; I've left my ID card. (X)
I'll have to go back; I've forgotten my ID card. (√)
Oh damn! I left my ID card. (X)
Oh damn! I forgot my ID card. (√)
Mary left her coat and caught a cold. (X)
Mary forgot her coat and caught a cold. (√)
Oh, I've left my ID card. (X)
Oh, I've forgotten my ID card. (√)
It is going to rain but I left my umbrella. (X)
It is going to rain but I forgot my umbrella. (√)
Be careful! You are going to leave your ID card. (X)
Be careful ! You are going to forget your ID card. (√)
Mary, you're always forgetting your ID card on your desk. (X)
Mary, you're always leaving your ID card on your desk. (√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(on your desk),用leave,不用forget。)
I've forgotten my ID card upstairs. I'll go and get it for you. (X)
I've left my ID card upstairs. I'll go and get it for you. (√)
She forgot the bag on the bus but it may not be there any longer. (X)
She left the bag on the bus but it may not be there any longer. (√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(on the bus),用leave,不用forget。)
Those who forget parcels on the train cannot expect to get them back.(X)
Those who leave parcels on the train cannot expect to get them back.(√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(on the train),用leave,不用forget。)
I forgot my watch in the restaurant when I was eating. (X)
I left my watch in the restaurant when I was eating. (√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(in the restaurant),用leave,不用forget。)
Some pupils forgot their exercise books at home the day after Christmas.(X)
Some pupils left their exercise books at home the day after Christmas.(√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(at home),用leave,不用forget。)
Alice forgot her handbag on the plane because she was in a hurry. (X)
Alice left her handbag on the plane because she was in a hurry. (√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(on the plane),用leave,不用forget。)
He forgot his passport in the taxi and missed his plane. (X)
He left his passport in the taxi and missed his plane. (√)
(“遗忘”已表明地点(in the taxi),用leave,不用forget。)
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