01 知识与技能目标 Knowledge
学生能够认读单词和短语。Students can grasp the following words&phrases.
Students can master the key sentence patterns.
学生能够了解相关话题的知识。Students can know more about the topic.
学生能够理解文章的大意。Students can grasp the general idea of the whole passage and be able to retell the passage.
02 过程与方法目标 Ability aims
Through this class, students can improve the four skills and be able to talk about topics they are familiar with.
Students can read for useful information in a passage and describe people or events.
03 情感态度与价值观目标 Emotional Aims
Students can arouse their interest in learning English and build confidence.
Students can have the consciousness of_____.
Students can understand more culture about motherland and foreign countries.
04 教学重点 Key points
根据教学目标确定,与知识目标保持一致。How to help students master the new words and the sentences.
05 教学难点 Difficult points
可以与技能目标和情感目标一致。 How to help students improve integrated language skills (arouse students' learning interests)
06 教学方法 Teaching methods
任务型语言教学法(Task-based language teaching method (TBLT))
合作学习法(Cooperative learning method)
自主学习法(Independent learning method)
情景教学法 ( Situation teaching method)----教育机构多数用
游戏教学法 (Game teaching method)----教育机构多数用
07 教学过程 Teaching procedure
(1) 3P模式
Step 1: Lead in(导入)
Eg: Hello ! Welcome to our class. I am glad to meet you. How are you going? Before the lesson, let’s sing a song together.
或者 Before the lesson, let’s look at the screen, I will show you a beautiful picture/ a video clip. What can you see? Yeah, you are very smart.(互动)
Step 2: Presentation(呈现)
Eg: Wow, let’s see more new things. What’s it? Yeah, how to say it in English? It’s ..... Read after me. Great. Next, what’s this? Yes, it’s.... Follow me, please. Do you want to play a guessing game with me? Please listen to me carefully. Yes, it’s.... Read after me.
Step 3: Practice(练习)
Eg: Word Practice (one by one), Role Play ( divided into two groups), etc.
Step 4: Production(产出)
Eg: Now, let’s make a new dialogue according to the picture.I will give you two minutes to prepare. Then I will invite some of you to stand here and show your dialogue. Are you clear? Ok, let’s begin!
Time is up. Which group wants to try? Great! Come here. It’s your show time now. How about their performance? Great, right? You did a good job! Let’s clap your hands for them.
Step 5: Summary(总结)
Eg : How time flies! It’s time for us to review what we have learned today. Who can tell me what we can learned today? Your summary is perfect. And we also learned...
Step 6: Homework(作业)
Eg:After class, you can practice the dialogue with your partner and ask your parents the question: ...Now, it’s time to say goodbye, bye!
(2) PWP模式
Step 1: Lead in
Step 2: Pre-(前)
Step 3: While-(中)
Step 4: Post-(后)
Step 5: Summary(总结)
Step 6: Homework(作业)
我们可以把学习过程划分为 Pre-learning, While-learning, Post-learning 三个阶段,这就是 PWP 教学过程。
PWP 教学过程可以用于英语教学的每一项具体语言教学内容,在技能教学中表现为不同的具体形式,如听力中的 Pre-listening, while-listening 和 post-listening ,口语中的 Pre-speaking, while-speaking 和 post-speaking ,阅读中的 Pre-reading, while-reading 和 post-reading ,写作中的 Pre-writing, while-writing 和 post-writing 。
08 板书设计 Blackboard design
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