
极简大道 极简大道 2023-02-09 记忆方法 阅读: 384
摘要: 本篇是接着上一篇来的,上一篇幅有点太长了,现在将所有单词组到一起写成一个小故事,方便联想记忆。President BT was very angry."How dare! I am the president ! They are never to


President BT was very angry.

"How dare! I am the president ! They are never to dictate what I can and cannot do.

We used the excuse that Seddam was a dictator and Iraq was a dictatorship, we won in the war easily.But these syndicates. They are not satisfied with it .They always want more.No matter how I dedicate myself to their business, they wouldn't listen my vindication.They won't allow me to vindicate myself. No, I won't abdicate the office. I like the power so much." BT is addicted to the game.

"BT will lose the electoral college.Our prediction may become predication. The grant jury may indict the president for fraud and embezzlement. The observers said it was seen as an indicator of improved sentiment. All those benedictions will fall back before they reach the whitehouse , only the malediction will ascend to the president. And cause network, it makes e-commerce in the jurisdiction is a great uncertainty."

BT think since he would lose, what he can do. Maybe indite some poems, play some dice games? who cares. Maybe it's time to prepare the valediction.



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作者: 极简大道 时间:2024-01-21 阅读: 148


作者: 极简大道 时间:2024-01-05 阅读: 138
如何背单词是一直困扰我们恒定不变的主题,今天就给大家推荐这种屡试不爽的背单词方法,希望能够对大家有帮助!首先要做的事情应该是测试单词量。词汇量测试如果词汇量大于 7000,没必要专门背单词,加大阅读输入量就好,通过阅读继续扩大词汇量就好。...
