President BT was very angry.
"How dare! I am the president ! They are never to dictate what I can and cannot do.
We used the excuse that Seddam was a dictator and Iraq was a dictatorship, we won in the war easily.But these syndicates. They are not satisfied with it .They always want more.No matter how I dedicate myself to their business, they wouldn't listen my vindication.They won't allow me to vindicate myself. No, I won't abdicate the office. I like the power so much." BT is addicted to the game.
"BT will lose the electoral college.Our prediction may become predication. The grant jury may indict the president for fraud and embezzlement. The observers said it was seen as an indicator of improved sentiment. All those benedictions will fall back before they reach the whitehouse , only the malediction will ascend to the president. And cause network, it makes e-commerce in the jurisdiction is a great uncertainty."
BT think since he would lose, what he can do. Maybe indite some poems, play some dice games? who cares. Maybe it's time to prepare the valediction.
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