Aug. 3, 20--.
Dear Mrs Green,
I, Li Hua, thank you for your letter extending your friendly greetings to me and showing me your great kindness and your greatly-real help you brought to me during your stay in our school.
This help is centrally concerned with my progress, which I make on putting into practice the English I learned from you.
Your English-teaching method has been of quite a few benefit to me, that keeps me so much successful in acquiring knowledge about English from you. This enables me to take lessons much efficiently, for example, of English and history together with of math.
At these, I have worked hard in particular by joining lessons-learning club in speaking and writing English more efficiently at present than in the past. These remained extremely interesting to me, as are involved in my day-to-day life, which I found valuable to me about social activity.
That proves me possibly completely absorbed in being one of volunteers getting me ready for everything possible to do during the National Game hosted in the end of Aug., 20--, in this city, China.
I shall tell people including athletes and reporters from all of China about the further information about the city, where I was born, together with about its culture such as paper cuttings and cross-talk, and about historical and interesting places and their stories spreading locally.
These shall bring them to have good time during their stay here in the city. By this, a relationship be expected to turn friendly, through volunteers, to your and foreign visitors’ developing on culture and education between Chinese and foreign friends to each other's delight.
I look forward to your being once again in the city, where the 13th National Game will be held in the end of Aug., 20--.
Yours truly,
Li Hua.
从上述英语作文可以看出:没有“模板、套作”的痕迹(如:firstly, secondly, thirdly, in my opinion, Just as a famous saying goes..., In conclusion, It is high time that, For one thing, for another, As a matter of fact, However...),之类的“废品”词语,所以真实思想没有充分表达以及英语句式也没有充分拓展的使用。
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