《世界第一的记忆系统》 2704个扑克牌编码

访客 访客 2021-11-28 超级记忆术 阅读: 575
摘要: 我的技巧并不是什么秘密,我十分高兴与各位分享,上年,我常在wwbc公开这方法,但因我们在这有了新的团体,那我会再公开它和会尽量简单易明.我并没给它“Ben system”这名字,但有很多人这样称它,而我也喜欢这名称.这方法的基本原理与很多人使用的记法的相同的,把表象放在脑海内各地点(地点法),但我不是用“人物+动作+物品”这样记的,我只是将三样“东西”一起放在同一地点,这些“东西”有些是人物,有些是物品.我(想象)它们的排列是由左向右,或由上向下来分先后次序的,而它们之间会有相互作用自然发生.

我的技巧并不是什么秘密,我十分高兴与各位分享,上年,我常在wwbc公开这方法,但因我们在这有了新的团体,那我会再公开它和会尽量简单易明.我并没给它“Ben system”这名字,但有很多人这样称它,而我也喜欢这名称.






club/club - k

club/diamond - t

club/heart - n

club/spade – m

diamond/club - r

diamond/diamond - d

diamond/heart - l

diamond/spade - g/j

heart/club ?f/th

heart/diamond - b

heart/heart - h

heart/spade – p

spade/club - sk/sn/sm

spade/diamond - st/sp

spade/heart - sh/sl/sw

spade/spade ?s


A = `a' as in `cat'

2 = 'e' as in 'pet'

3 = 'i' as in 'kitten'

4 = 'o' as in 'tom'

5 = 'u' as in 'puss'

6 = `A' as in `hay'

7 = `E' as in `bee'

8 = `I' as in `high'

9 = `O' as in `low'

10 = `oo' as in `you'

J = `ow' as in `cow'

Q = `or' as in `door'

K = `ar' as in `car'


A = t

2 = n

3 = m

4 = r

5 = l

6 = g

7 = k

8 = f/th

9 = b

10 = s

J = j/sh/ch

Q = p

K = d

例如:红心A+梅花2=(红心+梅花=f)+ (a)A+ (n)2

=fan(风扇).又例如: (club+heart=n) + e (2) + t (Ace) = `net'(网).





0 = s

1 = t

2 = n

3 = m

4 = r

5 = l

6 = gj

7 = k

8 = f/th

9 = b


0 = `oo'

1 = `a'

2 = 'e'

3 = 'i'

4 = 'o'

5 = 'u'

6 = `A'

7 = `E'

8 = `I'

9 = `O'


0 = s

1 = t

2 = n

3 = m

4 = r

5 = l

6 = g

7 = k

8 = f/th

9 = b



0000 = s

0001 = t

0010 = n

0011 = m

0100 = r

0101 = l

0110 = g/j

0111 = k

1000 = f

1001 = b

1010 = p

1100 = h

1101 = sk/sn/sm

1110 = st/sp

1111 = sh/sl/sw


000 = `oo'

001 = `a'

010 = 'e'

011 = 'i'

100 = 'o'

101 = 'u'

110 = `A'

111 = `E'


000 = s

001 = t

010 = n

011 = m

100 = r

101 = l

110 = g

111 = k





The 'Ben Pridmore System'

My techniques aren't a secret, I'm quite happy to share them with anyone who's interested. I normally point people towards the wwbc posts last year where I explained it, but since we've got a brand new group here, I've rewritten it and made it hopefully a bit easier to understand. I don't actually call it the 'Ben system', but that's what some people have been calling it, and I do quite like the name.

It's really just an extension of the basic Major system.

The basic principle is the same as everyone else uses, visualising images at points along a mental route or journey. I don't use the person-action-object ideas of some people, I just have three `objects' at each point on my route. Some of these objects are people, some are things. I `see' them arranged from left to right,or top to bottom, and interacting in various ways according to rules I made up as I went along, depending on which objects come together in what order.

Each object is made from a combination of two playing cards, or three decimal digits, or ten binary digits. The name of the object starts with a one-syllable sound made up of a consonant, a vowel and another consonant. For playing cards, these sounds are made as follows.

The first consonant is given by the combination of suits, like this:

club/club - k

club/diamond - t

club/heart - n

club/spade - m

diamond/club - r

diamond/diamond - d

diamond/heart - l

diamond/spade - g/j

heart/club ?f/th

heart/diamond - b

heart/heart - h

heart/spade - p

spade/club - sk/sn/sm

spade/diamond - st/sp

spade/heart - sh/sl/sw

spade/spade ?s

The vowel comes from the number/rank of the first card, like this:

A = `a' as in `cat'

2 = 'e' as in 'pet'

3 = 'i' as in 'kitten'

4 = 'o' as in 'tom'

5 = 'u' as in 'puss'

6 = `A' as in `hay'

7 = `E' as in `bee'

8 = `I' as in `high'

9 = `O' as in `low'

10 = `oo' as in `you'

J = `ow' as in `cow'

Q = `or' as in `door'

K = `ar' as in `car'

And the final consonant comes from the number of the second card,

like this:

A = t

2 = n

3 = m

4 = r

5 = l

6 = g

7 = k

8 = f/th

9 = b

10 = s

J = j/sh/ch

Q = p

K = d

So, for example, Ace of hearts + 2 of clubs gives f (heart/club) + a(Ace) + n (2) = `fan'. If the 2 of clubs came first it would be n(club/heart) + e (2) + t (Ace) = `net'.

That gives me 2704 different images. For numbers, I use the same list of images, but only use 1000 of them for decimal and 1024 for binary. It works like this:

First consonant (first digit)

0 = s

1 = t

2 = n

3 = m

4 = r

5 = l

6 = gj

7 = k

8 = f/th

9 = b

Vowel (second digit)

0 = `oo'

1 = `a'

2 = 'e'

3 = 'i'

4 = 'o'

5 = 'u'

6 = `A'

7 = `E'

8 = `I'

9 = `O'

Second consonant (third digit)

0 = s

1 = t

2 = n

3 = m

4 = r

5 = l

6 = g

7 = k

8 = f/th

9 = b

And for binary, it's:

First consonant (first four digits)

0000 = s

0001 = t

0010 = n

0011 = m

0100 = r

0101 = l

0110 = g/j

0111 = k

1000 = f

1001 = b

1010 = p

1100 = h

1101 = sk/sn/sm

1110 = st/sp

1111 = sh/sl/sw

Vowel (next three digits)

000 = `oo'

001 = `a'

010 = 'e'

011 = 'i'

100 = 'o'

101 = 'u'

110 = `A'

111 = `E'

Second consonant (final three digits)

000 = s

001 = t

010 = n

011 = m

100 = r

101 = l

110 = g

111 = k

I hope that's clear. I'm always happy to answer questions!

I'm very out of practice with the cards and binary now ?I haven't really done any training since last year, and I've been concentrating on memorising pi for the last three months. I'm pretty sure I can still remember the list of images, so I should be able to just click back into the swing of it if I start training again, I ho



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