本研究将120名17~18岁中学生随机分为干预组和对照组,进行40天的双盲对照试验。干预组每日服用PS牛奶250 ml,对照组服用等量未添加PS的牛奶,试验前后对受试者进行记忆力评分。结果显示,对照组服用前后各分量表得分和总分差异均无统计学意义,而PS干预组试验后得分比试验前有显著性提高(P<0.05),证明PS牛奶可以明显的改善学生的记忆力,对孩子学习有很大的帮助。
Phosphatidylserine(PS) is a new resource of food approved by the Ministry of Health in November, 2010, and it is mainly extracted and purified from the by-products of natural soybean oil production. As one of cytomembrane components, PS can affect the fluidity and permeability of cytomembrane and can activate the metabolism and synthesis of multiple enzymes. Also, it can
improve nerve cells, regulate nerve impulse conduction and promote brain memory [1-3]. PS not
only has a significant effect to the physiological cognitive ability and the cognitive ability recovery of injured population, but also can enhance the cognitive ability of non-injured population with a decreasing cognitive ability [4]. In the aspect of metabolic mechanism, after PS
is absorbed by the small intestine, it can release choline. With the blood entering brain, choline is
converted into acetylcholine. Namely, PS can generate phosphatidyl choline by methylation, and
the later can act as the precursor of synthesizing acetylcholine to participate in the regulation of
cytomembrane fluidity and play a medium role between cytomembrane receptor and the second
messenger [5-7]. As acetylcholine content in brain rises, the rate of information transmission
between brain nerve cells increases. It is manifested in the aspect of physiological function that
brain memory is improved, intelligence is enhanced, and brain development is promoted.
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