Alcohol Helps You Remember What You Learned Earlier, Study Shows
Drinking booze after learning new information can help our brains store away what we took in when we were still sober, according to new research, even though alcohol is traditionally linked to problems forming memories.
The word-learning task given to the study participants sheds some more light on the way alcohol affects memory, and the way the brain stores information in general, though we wouldn't recommend getting drunk every time you've got something new to remember.
According to the team from the University of Exeter in the UK, the research backs up previous studies carried out in the lab, but this time in a natural setting where participants were drinking in their own homes.
So after a few drinks, you stop taking in any new information, which means anything you learned earlier in the day has more chance to take root.
"The theory is that the hippocampus – the brain area really important in memory – switches to consolidating memories, transferring from short into longer-term memory," says Morgan.
In other words a session on the booze means the hippocampus has no new information to encode, so it busies itself with encoding older information instead.
The researchers are keen to stress that the study should only be considered in the context of what we already know about alcohol: that too much of it can seriously harm your memory and health over the long term.
Another point the team makes is that sleep may have had some impact on locking in memories overnight, something which future studies could look into.
The findings have been published in Scientific Reports.
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