记忆力训练课程有用吗,「国际课程」A-level 心理学重要知识点:短期记忆中的遗忘

极简大道 极简大道 2023-01-16 精品记忆课 阅读: 104
摘要: Forgetting in Short-Term Memory

Forgetting in Short-Term Memory


Decay in STM STM中的衰变

Trace decay theory in STM relates to theories of Duration in STM.


The theory suggests STM can only hold information for between 15 and 30 seconds unless it is rehearsed Brown & Peterson (1959). After this time the information Decays (fades away). Waugh & Norman (1965) used the Serial Probe Technique to test the theory.

该理论认为,STM只能保持15至30秒的信息,除非它是排练的布朗和彼得森(1959年)。在这段时间之后,信息就会衰减(消逝)。Waugh & Norman (1965)使用序列探针技术来测试该理论。

Participants were given a series of numbers to learn. They were then given one of the numbers and asked which number followed it. For example; participants were given the Probe word 7 and asked what followed it, the answer is 3.


The numbers were presented at different speeds therefore the faster the numbers presented the better the recall if Trace Decay theory is correct as the more likely the information is to remain in the STM.


The results did not support the theory. This research employed the laboratory experiment and its validity can therefore be questioned.


Displacement in STM 移位的STM

The idea of displacement in STM causing forgetting relates to the Capacity of STM as proposed by Miller (1956). It simply suggests that if the capacity of STM is limited to 7 plus or minus 2 items or chunks of information then STM is full then some of that information must be kicked out or displaced in order for new information to enter.


Retrieval Failure in LTM LTM中的检索失败

This theory suggests that all information received is stored in LTM but that some information is difficult or impossible to access.


This idea is characterised by the Tip-of-the-Tongue Effect (TOT) where we know something but just cannot recall it. Retrieval of such information is thought to be dependent on three factors 这一观点的特点是舌尖效应(TOT),即我们知道一些东西,但就是想不起来。这种信息的检索被认为取决于三个因素 :

Firstly Context-Dependent Retrieval which suggests that recall of information depends on replicating the situation or context in which that information was originally encoded.

Godden & Baddeley (1975) provided evidence for this by asking participants to learn a list of words either on land or 15 ft underwater. They were better able to recall words if asked to do so in the setting in which they originally learnt them.



Secondly, State-Dependent Retrieval suggests that recall is improved if the individual is in the same physical and/or psychological state as when they first learnt the information.

Godwin (1969) investigated the effect of alcohol on recall and found individuals were better able to recall information learnt when drunk if they were drunk. Other drugs seem to affect memory similarly. Bower (1981) however found that the same principle applied to mood did not have such a convincing effect but only a tendency to produce State-Dependent Retrieval.



Thirdly, recall may be by the presence of cues or probes, clues or associations. This is referred to as Cue-Dependent Retrieval, Tulving & Pearlstone (1966).

第三,回忆可能是由线索或探针、线索或联想的存在。这被称为 "线索依赖检索"(Cue-Dependent Retrieval),Tulving & Pearlstone(1966)。

Interference in LTM LTM中的干扰

This idea suggests that information in LTM may become confused or combined with other information during encoding thus distorting or disrupting memories.


Interference in LTM is thought to be either proactive where old memories disrupt new memories or retroactive where new memories disrupt old memories. Both Proactive and Retroactive Interference is thought to be more likely to occur where the memories are similar, for example: confusing old and new telephone numbers.


McGeoch (1932) tested these ideas using laboratory experiments involving lists of single words or binary associations. The findings therefore can be criticised for their ecological validity including demand characteristics and representativeness thus making generalisations impossible.


Flashbulb Memories 闪光灯下的回忆

Flashbulb memories involve the vivid recall of what individuals were doing when a major event occurred. This event may be a public or a private occurrence.


Describe what you were doing when you heard that Princess Diana had died.


Is the memory vivid and distinct in time? 这段记忆在时间上是否生动而鲜明?

Brown & Kulik (1977) asked people a series of questions about 10 major events. Participants remembered where they were, what they were doing and the emotional impact it had. These memories may be seen as 'special' and are thought to involve special brain mechanisms.

Brown & Kulik (1977)就10个重大事件向人们提出了一系列的问题。参与者记得他们在哪里,他们在做什么,以及它所产生的情感影响。这些记忆可能被视为 "特殊",并被认为涉及特殊的大脑机制。

Rubin & Kozin (1984) showed that flashbulb memories are particularly powerful for personal events, such as love at first sight.

Rubin & Kozin (1984)表明,闪电记忆对个人事件特别有力,例如一见钟情。

Ask your mother/father about your birth or onset of labour? 问你的母亲/父亲关于你的出生或开始分娩的情况?

McCloskey (1988) suggested that flashbulb memories are as prone to forgetting as ordinary memories.


Bohannon (1988) suggested that flashbulb memories are not prone to forgetting when the event produced strong emotional reactions.


Repression (Freud) 压抑(弗洛伊德)

Repression, according to Freud (1800s) is the unconscious forgetting of traumatic events, feelings, thoughts because they are too painful to remember.


These memories are said to be repressed or 'pushed out' of consciousness into the unconscious and are very difficult to recall. These repressed memories may be the cause of mental abnormality as they express themselves in some other way.

据说这些记忆被压抑或从意识中 "推出 "到无意识中,而且非常难以回忆。这些被压抑的记忆可能是精神异常的原因,因为它们以其他方式表达自己。

There is increasing evidence of repressed memory in cases of childhood sexual abuse. Williams (1994) examined records of young women who had been treated for sexual abuse as children and seventeen years later 38% of them had no conscious recall of the abuse.


Zimbardo (1995) reported the case of Eileen. In 1989 Eileen suddenly remembered the reason for her childhood friend, Susan's, disappearance twenty years earlier. Eileen's father had raped and murdered her. Eileen had repressed this memory due to threats from her father and the understandable trauma it caused. Her father was sentenced to life imprisonment.


Often however repressed memories are difficult to substantiate which has led to the notion of False Memory Syndrome (Pynoos & Nader 1989) where recall of so-called repressed memories may be false although real to the person remembering them.

然而,压抑的记忆往往难以证实,这导致了虚假记忆综合症的概念(Pynoos & Nader 1989),在这种情况下,对所谓压抑的记忆的回忆可能是虚假的,尽管对记忆者来说是真实的。

Repression as a theory of forgetting is based on Case Study evidence and therefore is impossible to generalise from or replicate. Case studies are highly subjective and tend to personal and subjective interpretations.




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